
On Writing, Books, Authors, & Animals 

4 Reasons Why October is Special to Me

4 Reasons Why October is Special to Me
Oct 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Mid-October is upon us. The year is flying by, with only 2 1/2 months left until the end of the year.  This is a beautiful time of the year in the area where I live ... and I hope it is for you, too. There are four primary reasons why October is special to me, and in this post I provide those reasons.

Reconnecting Relationships

Reconnecting Relationships
Sep 11, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Recently, I visited my hometown in Iowa and reconnected with several former classmates.  I'm grateful and blessed to have first reconnected with them via Facebook several years ago, and then in-person. As one ages, I think relationships become even more special. I certainly discovered that when I went back to the community where I grew up.

Glimpses of What's Been Wild and Free -- But May No Longer Be

Glimpses of What's Been Wild and Free -- But May No Longer Be
Aug 20, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
They have occupied the North American landscape for thousands of years. They were part of American heritage, both Native American and White. Thousands of them remain on western public lands, knowing freedom for generations. Now, however what's been wild and free may no longer be. Wild horses are under strong attack, from western ranchers and the federal agency in charge of their existence. Thousands upon thousands of wild horses are being removed from the lands they and their ancestors have called home. Where will they go? What is to be done? Can we who love wild horses and burros stop the atrocity befalling these majestic creatures?

Celebrating Rescue Animals and Books – Clear the Shelters and National Book Lovers Day

Celebrating Rescue Animals and Books – Clear the Shelters and National Book Lovers Day
Aug 07, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
August's arrival brings the Dog Days of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere: hot weather and air conditioners turned to HIGH. This month also brings the opportunity to help animals in need through the Clear the Shelters program and to celebrate reading and books on National Book Lovers Day (August 9, 2024). As we journey into the final weeks of summer, we can take time to help animal shelters and rescues and time to relax with a good book or two. My Pet Rescue Romance stories helps both: gives you a sweet story by which to relax and helps animals in need through my donation of a portion of book sales to rescue groups and shelter organizations. And, for this month, you can read some of my books at a discounted price! Read on ...

Adopting an Older Cat - Welcome Home, Aaron!

Adopting an Older Cat - Welcome Home, Aaron!
Jul 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Are you a person who adopts pets from animal rescue groups or shelters? Have you ever adopted an older dog or cat, horse, bird, or guinea pig? Are you hesitant to do so? There are many benefits of adopting an older pet, as I have discovered. A recent adoption of a two-to-three-year-old female cat turned into something quite different ... but likely better. Meet the newest furry family member of the Irwin household!

Summer, Celebrations, and Books

Summer, Celebrations, and Books
Jul 02, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
We welcome a new month, a full month of summer. With July comes celebrations, vacations, and time outdoors. This new month offers a grand opportunity to relax, eat delicious food, spend time with family and friends ... and one of those 'friends' can be a good book or two. Whether you're soaking up the sun at a beach and spending time in the woods with your camper, or visiting a new city, reading is an excellent pastime for you and your family. Journey on!

Travel Inspires Creativity

Travel Inspires Creativity
Jun 18, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Nature and travel can inspire creativity ... and stir the soul. Sometimes the driving (or flying) to get to our destination and back seems endless. However, we can make use of that travel time for further inspiration and reflection. What special places stay with you, even years after you've visited? I recently traveled with my father to the northern Oregon Coast, where memories and inspiration took root. Join me on my newest adventure and learn a bit of history and a bit about how this trip inspired my creativity.

The Hills Are Alive ... With Spring and Books!

The Hills Are Alive ... With Spring and Books!
Jun 04, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Late spring brings a freshness, a lushness, an uplift to the world around us. Grass grows, birds sing, baby animals are born ... and new books are released. Discover a renewed enjoyment for nature and a few new sweet romance books to relish this season, recently released by two of my delightful writer friends!

Beauty and Blessings in Small Things

Beauty and Blessings in Small Things
May 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Where are the blessings in life? Where do we find beauty in life? How can we be grateful when so much around us is ugly and violent? When our lives are in turmoil? Yes, there are troubles, but there are also beauty and blessings, and truthfully, we don't have to look far to find those. Blessings and beauty are in little things, in things we often take for granted. Read on!

Celebrating Our Earth and National Parks

Celebrating Our Earth and National Parks
Apr 22, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Earth Day and National Park Week intertwine ... in more ways than one. As we commemorate and celebrate these special days, let's remember nature speaks to the human spirit. That's why landscapes are preserved and animal species conserved. From the visionaries of decades ago to this present time, we are all responsible for what happens to lands, waterways, wildlife and plants.

Animal Cruelty Awareness – Be An Animal Advocate!

Animal Cruelty Awareness – Be An Animal Advocate!
Apr 09, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. Cruelty and neglect come in all shapes and sizes, from lack of access to food, water, and shelter, to dog fighting. We can all do something to help stop animal cruelty, from awarness and education to reporting and advocating for animals. Learn more about the various forms of animal cruelty and what you can do to help suffering dogs, cats, horses, and other animals on this blog post.

Springtime is Growth Time

Springtime is Growth Time
Mar 21, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin

Spring brings growth, particularly in nature. However, it can also be a time of growth for humans. I'm moving forward as an author, planning new projects with different tropes and possibly a new (for me) genre. Springtime is growth time, in many regards. Step into spring with me and see what's sprouting in my author brain and author life!

Weekend Writing Conference Brings Together Authors & Books

Weekend Writing Conference Brings Together  Authors & Books
Feb 29, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Writing conferences and events provide delightful opportunities for authors to engage with one another and with readers. A recent event, the Cabin Fever Writers Conference, brought readers and authors together as well as engaged authors with one another. Such opportunities are invaluable for encourgement and learning. Read on!

Sweet Romance Book Connoisseurs: Meet Aminata (Ami) Coote!

Sweet Romance Book Connoisseurs: Meet Aminata (Ami) Coote!
Feb 13, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Hosting authors on my blog is something I enjoy. I love meeting authors and learning more about their books! Just in time for Valentine's Day, I'd like you to meet sweet/clean/Christian romance author, Aminata (Ami) Coote, whom I met virtually last year when our stories shared a romance anthology book. Ami releases her new book, Falling for My Fake Wedding Date, this month. I encourage you to read the blog interview I recently held with her.

Loving What You Do

Loving What You Do
Feb 07, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
February is the Month of Love. I write books about love and about a subject I love: pet rescue and adoption. Writing has been a love for me since childhood, and now that I'm a fulltime author and freelance writer, I work on things that I love. Can you relate? Are you doing things you love? Read the full post and be inspired! (as that's one of my goals as a writer -- to inspire others).

National Parks Inspire Romance Books ... A Story Excerpt

National Parks Inspire Romance Books ... A Story Excerpt
Jan 16, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
I enjoy America's national parks, and I've set my Pet Rescue Romance series of stories in and around Yellowstone, America's first national park and an area where I once lived. My latest book, to be released in February, is part of the series and has scenes inside the park. These places are filled with inspiration and beauty, something I know from visiting and that my characters either already know or they learn. Travel with us and read an excerpt from my upcoming book, "Paws-itively Love" through this blog post.

Historical Romance Weaves Wyoming History, Christian Faith, into Collection

Historical Romance Weaves Wyoming History, Christian Faith, into Collection
Jan 02, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
True events from American history and Christian faith amid struggles are part of the four stories found in the recently-released book from Barbour Publishing titled The Legacy of the Rocking K Ranch. Filled with romance and strong female characters, this historical romantic fiction, written by four different women authors contributing their four separate, yet artfully woven, stories is a work to be added to your winter reading list. Find out more about this new sweet, Christian romance book for the New Year!

Seasonal Joy – Enough to Last Through the New Year

Seasonal Joy – Enough to Last Through the New Year
Dec 18, 2023 by Gayle M Irwin
2023 can't end soon enough for me and many others I know. Despite the challenges and sorrows experienced this year, joyful opportunities also abounded. Whenever disappointment, discouragement, or depression begins to set in, I prompt myself to think of things for which I'm grateful ... and there's much for which to be thankful and joyful even through sorrowful and troubling times. Read on to discover how the joy of this holiday season can extend through the upcoming new year.

Winding Down a Long Road

Winding Down a Long Road
Dec 05, 2023 by Gayle M Irwin
This year seems like a long and winding road., as goes the title of a Beatles song. My family and I have traveled a path filled with stress and heartbreak, including the passing of four pets: 3 of mine and 1 belonging to my parents. Health issues, a major move, and the death of two human family members contributed to other bends in this year's journey. Yet, as our beloved springer spaniel, Sadie, taught us, there is joy in the journey and always reasons to smile. Come along with us!