Be Hero This Month: Help the Homeless

We’ve arrived at the final month of 2024. January 2025 shimmers on the horizon. This is the holiday season, and people are running around shopping, attending parties, listening to concerts, singing carols, going to special school events, wrapping gifts, and so much more. We often pack December with activities, making ourselves too busy for what should be truly important: family, friends, and community.
I encourage all of us to take time and meditate on the true meaning of the season: love. Not self-love but love for others. We may not be able to help everyone or every cause, but there are some things each of us can do for certain groups. If you're like me, I'm sure you’re inundated with ‘asks,’ from charities, including homeless shelters for humans and shelters for homeless pets. Sometimes it's difficult to choose which organization(s) to assist because there are many worthy ones, groups that do great work. For me, I choose six to give to throughout the year, four to donate to on Giving Tuesday, and four others for year-end giving.
This year, my year-end goes to two different groups to help homeless people and homeless pets because the numbers have radically risen in 2024.

Homelessness in the United States has increased dramatically during the past few years, both for humans and for animals. Statistics show a more than 12 percent increase in the homeless count from 2022 to 2023, with more than 653,000 people counted in January 2023. Increased housing costs, both in rent and mortgage, is the primary factor. More people than ever are experiencing homelessness for the first time, and record-numbers of people are living unsheltered. Many of these people have animals, and oftentimes shelters for humans do not allow pets. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is working with organizations to address this.
Animals, too, are experiencing homelessness at record numbers. Animal shelters and rescues around the nation are full to overflowing, and many animals are simply abandoned inside apartments, houses, or along roadways and in fields. Every day, several hundred dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals die because of people’s neglect, cruelty, disinterest, and selfishness … and because too many reside in shelters that are bulging at the seams.
Homeless people and homeless animals need our help. Many of us live in warm homes, have food on our tables and in our cupboards and refrigerators. Many of us drive at least one car and can pay our bills. Even if there’s not a lot of money left over afterward, we still have more than someone living under a bridge or an animal scavenging in the garbage can.
This month is known as Operation Santa Paws, a movement that began 20 years ago in California to help pets and animal shelters in need. Perhaps you can’t adopt a pet at this time, but how about donating blankets, pet food, and cleaning supplies? Perhaps volunteer to socialize the animals. Or commit to donating at least $5 or $10 a month, more if you can. Even fostering an animal for a month or two can help both the animal and the shelter/rescue.

If there’s a human homeless shelter in your area, consider doing the same – donate toiletries for men and women, books and toys for children, and other items such a facility needs, like blankets and towels. Pledge $10 or $15 a month. Think of the adage, “There but for the grace of God go I.”
I’m a person who doesn’t ‘need’ another trinket or piece of jewelry or other ‘do-dad’ in my house. I’m tired of dusting and cleaning items all the time, so why add more to my shelves or my jewelry box? As I donate a percentage of book sales each month to an animal rescue organization and am grateful to those who buy my stories so I can do so, this year, I’ve committed to donating to more non-profit organizations, such as the local Rescue Mission, a national anti-human-trafficking organization, and my local pregnancy resource/medical clinic.
There’s a lot of need in our nation and around the world, and there certainly is enough selfishness and unkindness – may we listen to our hearts and combat those negatives with compassion and love this holiday season and into the New Year!