4 Reasons Why October is Special to Me

Oct 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Cottonwood trees with changing leaves along the Powder River in Wyoming.
Photo by Gayle M. Irwin

Mid-October is already upon us. The year is flying by, as quickly as geese wing their way south every autumn. In my neck of the woods, snow generally falls by now, but this year, 2024, we are still enjoying warm autumn weather … and the beauty of leaves changing color.


Autumn colors are one reason I enjoy October, especially this year. The reds, oranges, yellows, and other vibrant hues from aspens, maples, cottonwoods, barberries, and other trees and shrubs make hillsides and stream banks glow with color.


The second reason I enjoy October is because the month is recognized as National Adopt-a-Dog/Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month, and I enjoy helping animal rescue and adoption organizations. One of my favorite volunteer roles is transporting animals to rescue groups and to their adoptive families … I especially like bringing a dog or cat to its new adoptive person or family. Over the years, I’ve transported for various rescues, including Casper Community Cats, Mid-America Boston Terrier Rescue, Big Dogs Huge Paws, and English Springer Spaniel Rescue. Each four-footed passenger has its own story, many which started off sad but had a happily-ever-after ending: a new loving home.


Kitty transport to rescue. Photo by Gayle M. Irwin

These days, shelters and rescues are full and overflowing. Therefore, October 2024’s Adopt-a-Dog Month, and November’s Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month, are extra-critical. If you can adopt, please do. If you cannot, please do something to help your local shelter/rescue, from donation of funds to donation of supplies. Help spread the word that pet adoption is vital to saving lives. Or if your local shelter/rescue is putting on some type of event, help out in some way. Those of us on social media can share to help educate, inspire, and encourage others about events and animals in need.


A third reason October is special to me is because I married my husband during this month. The day was beautiful on October 21, 2000 (yes, 24 years ago this month!), sunny and 70+ degrees F. Our friends and family members attended to love and support us – they were our best gifts that day. Greg and I bonded during the 18 months we dated over such things as our love for animals, our enjoyment of nature, and our respect for one another’s talents, among so many other things. We continue to share those interests, with enjoyment of travel to America’s national parks and forests, adopting and sharing life with pets, and encouragement of each other’s businesses. Here’s to more years ahead as a couple!


Our wedding day, October 21, 2000. 
Photo taken by friend.


I also enjoy October because it’s National Book Month, and books are my business as well as my pleasure. I like participating with other authors in special promotions where we share one another’s books with readers and friends. I love the writers’ groups with which I’m involved, and of course, I love composing stories to share with people. I have two books I’m planning to release before the holiday season, including an 8th book in my Pet Rescue Romance – Yellowstone Country series, a Christmas story that brings all the primary characters together for a holiday in Florida. Be on the lookout for more information on that book and on “Rescuing Sarah,” another Christian Pet Rescue Romance that I had planned to release earlier this year, but circumstances, and life, got in the way. However, it IS coming soon!


These four reasons why October is special to me help to make the month one of my favorites. I love spring, with its newness and warming temperatures. I love autumn for all the colors and crispness. I enjoy early summer with the flowers and baby animals, and I can tolerate a month or winter with its fresh layers of white snow and of course the meaning and delight of Christmas. Yet, autumn, especially mid-September through October, has become my favorite time of year for the four reasons I mentioned … and more.


What are your favorite months/seasons of the year and why?