The Hills Are Alive ... With Spring and Books!

A few days ago our calendars turned to a new month … and the onset of summer (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). In my neck of the woods, springtime seemed short, like less than a month, and this week, we will hit 80 degrees F. Some areas of the mountain west will be 90+. We experienced very few 60 to 70 degrees, which, in my part of the world, is typical spring.
Many flower species, wild and domestic, are in full bloom, from columbines in yards to Indian paintbrush in the wild. The hillsides near the mountains are verdant, like pastures in Scotland, and the plains, which often remain a light tan even in spring, are just as lush. This greenery provides excellent forage for wildlife, like deer and pronghorn, and for livestock, like sheep and cattle.
Young pronghorn are usually seen this time of year. Born on the plains, they are able to hide in the tall grasses, safer from predators. The same applies to fawn deer. The youngsters of both species have been difficult to see this spring because the grass is tall and flourishing.

I love this time of year! Nature has awakened, birds are singing, plants are blooming, and animals are thriving. My husband visited our mountain cabin a few days ago to check on the property and to see if the snow had receded enough to drive in. To his delight, everything looked good, and he and our dog Jeremiah spent time on the deck Greg constructed a few years ago, relishing the clean mountain air and bright blue sky. I look forward to getting up there soon – it is one of the places where I write, and the tranquility brings me joy and stimulates my creativity.
The hills in my region have come alive, from the prospering plants and new life amid animals to the campers and hikers, gardeners and nature photographers. I look forward to spending more time outdoors, savoring nature’s splendor and creating beauty of my own in words and stories.
New books will be coming soon!

Speaking of new books, two of my writer friends have released sweet romance stories centered around single dads (Father's Day in America is coming up so perfect timing!). If you enjoy clean and wholesome romance country-style, my friend Eliza Boyd just released a Christian romance story set in rural Arizona (the state in which she lives). Change of Heart is the story of Elise, an urban woman, and Jonah, a farmer and construction worker who's a single dad.
Here's a brief description:
She is in the middle of the most important meeting of her career. He’s raising five kids by himself on a farm he’s about to lose. When two people with little in common find sparks flying, can they make it work?
This story is delightful, sweet, humorous, and just plain fun! The characters are charming, although Elise took a bit for me to warm up to (that's part of the 'change of heart'). I love Eliza's stories, and Change of Heart is one of her best, I think!
The book is available in Kindle Unlimited or sells for just $2.99. Find on Amazon here:

Another writer friend, Aminata Coote, has also crafted and released a single dad story recently. Falling for Her Student's Single Dad is the second book in her The Firefighters of Orange Valley series and is the story of Meghann Headley, a school counselor, and firefighter Levi Armstrong, who is the uncle and guardian of one of the students at Meghann's school.
The tag line for this book reads, They're supposed to work together, not fall in love.
Falling for Her Student's Single Dad is also a sweet, Christian, contemporary romance, as is Eliza's story, noted above. Also like Eliza, Aminata's books are delightful with characters that readers come to care about. I haven't yet read this book, but I've read several of her other stories, and I'm looking forward to reading this one!
Find Falling for Her Student's Single Dad on Amazon for only $2.99 via this link:
Spring and early summer are seasons for romance. A time for new beginnings, a time to relish nature and relationships, and a beautiful time for reading. Savor the seasons and relax and relish new reads!