On Writing, Books, Authors, & Animals
Welcome Spring and Stories

Mar 23, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
Spring arrived in North American on March 20, and numerous bird species that migrate north to Wyoming have started to arrive. I welcome these transients to my yards by providing food, water, and shelter. Various species can also be found in my sweet romance books. Learn more by reading this blog post.
Cozy Mysteries to Savor This Spring

Mar 11, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
The cozy mystery genre continues to gain popularity. I've met several new cozy authors and been introduced to their delightful books. If you enjoy this delightful genre, you'll enjoy learning about some new and upcoming cozy releases to savor this year.
Happy Birthday, Yellowstone!

Feb 23, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
Yellowstone National Park, the first established national park in the United States and the world, was officially created by the United States government on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone, as a national park, will be 153 years old in less than a week. Learn a bit of history and have an opportunity to help celebrate this unique area through a discounted e-book offer.
A Long-Lasting Love Story Worth Remembering

Feb 11, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
Most people enjoy a great love story, and some people are fortunate to experience one in real life. All relationships have ups and downs, and a few even survive tragedy. One thing is for sure -- strong relationships and marriages take work ... by both parties. I know couples who have been together 50 years and more, and those stories are worth sharing.
Traveling New Paths

Jan 29, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
I enjoy traveling. Seeing new places and visiting ones I’ve been to before and dearly love, like Yellowstone National Park, the national parks in Utah, and the Oregon Coast. New paths in life, like travel to new places, are exciting as well as intimidating. This year I’m embarking upon a few new ventures in my writing life. Travel with me on the blog to learn more!
Books Featuring Dogs Often Make Fun, Inspiring Reading

Jan 20, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
Dog stories have existed for centuries. From magazine articles to books, stories about humankind’s best friend have graced pages and touched hearts. Classic stories like Jack London’s Call of the Wild and White Fang, published in 1903 and 1906 respectively, intrigue readers to this day. Many genres incorporate dogs and other animals into the story, including romance and cozy mysteries. Discover a few fun books that feature animals, including a cozy mystery with a helpful pig!
In With The New

Jan 08, 2025 by Gayle M Irwin
New Year. New starts. New goals. It's time to turn the page to not only a new month, but to a new year, and with this new year comes possibilities, opportunities, and re-sets. As an author, I have new stories and even a new genre that I plan to write. I hope you'll come along for the journey as I outline my thoughts in this blog post and as I prepare to bring you new books in 2025!
Welcome to A New Year!

Dec 31, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
A new year begins. Are you ready for 2025? I am, and I have many hopes and goals, including for my writing. Step into the final blog of 2024 and let's go on an adventure together as the calendar rolls to another month and a brand new year!
Be Hero This Month: Help the Homeless

Dec 09, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Be a hero this season -- participate in Operation Santa Paws and other events to help homeless pets and homeless people. Combat selfishness and apathy with compassion and love. We can all give something, whether that's materials like pet food and blankets or monetary donations (even small amounts help). Harness the reason for the season!
Senior Pets Provide Mental and Physical Health Benefits to Humans

Nov 20, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
November is National Adopt-a-Senior Pet Month, a time for us to provide a loving home for an elderly animal and/or assist shelters and rescues that care for those pets. It is the month of gratitude and giving. How might you help an older pet in need?
4 Reasons Why October is Special to Me

Oct 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Mid-October is upon us. The year is flying by, with only 2 1/2 months left until the end of the year. This is a beautiful time of the year in the area where I live ... and I hope it is for you, too. There are four primary reasons why October is special to me, and in this post I provide those reasons.
Reconnecting Relationships

Sep 11, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Recently, I visited my hometown in Iowa and reconnected with several former classmates. I'm grateful and blessed to have first reconnected with them via Facebook several years ago, and then in-person. As one ages, I think relationships become even more special. I certainly discovered that when I went back to the community where I grew up.
Glimpses of What's Been Wild and Free -- But May No Longer Be

Aug 20, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
They have occupied the North American landscape for thousands of years. They were part of American heritage, both Native American and White. Thousands of them remain on western public lands, knowing freedom for generations. Now, however what's been wild and free may no longer be. Wild horses are under strong attack, from western ranchers and the federal agency in charge of their existence. Thousands upon thousands of wild horses are being removed from the lands they and their ancestors have called home. Where will they go? What is to be done? Can we who love wild horses and burros stop the atrocity befalling these majestic creatures?
Celebrating Rescue Animals and Books – Clear the Shelters and National Book Lovers Day

Aug 07, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
August's arrival brings the Dog Days of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere: hot weather and air conditioners turned to HIGH. This month also brings the opportunity to help animals in need through the Clear the Shelters program and to celebrate reading and books on National Book Lovers Day (August 9, 2024). As we journey into the final weeks of summer, we can take time to help animal shelters and rescues and time to relax with a good book or two. My Pet Rescue Romance stories helps both: gives you a sweet story by which to relax and helps animals in need through my donation of a portion of book sales to rescue groups and shelter organizations. And, for this month, you can read some of my books at a discounted price! Read on ...
Adopting an Older Cat - Welcome Home, Aaron!

Jul 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Are you a person who adopts pets from animal rescue groups or shelters? Have you ever adopted an older dog or cat, horse, bird, or guinea pig? Are you hesitant to do so? There are many benefits of adopting an older pet, as I have discovered. A recent adoption of a two-to-three-year-old female cat turned into something quite different ... but likely better. Meet the newest furry family member of the Irwin household!
Summer, Celebrations, and Books

Jul 02, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
We welcome a new month, a full month of summer. With July comes celebrations, vacations, and time outdoors. This new month offers a grand opportunity to relax, eat delicious food, spend time with family and friends ... and one of those 'friends' can be a good book or two. Whether you're soaking up the sun at a beach and spending time in the woods with your camper, or visiting a new city, reading is an excellent pastime for you and your family. Journey on!
Travel Inspires Creativity

Jun 18, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Nature and travel can inspire creativity ... and stir the soul. Sometimes the driving (or flying) to get to our destination and back seems endless. However, we can make use of that travel time for further inspiration and reflection. What special places stay with you, even years after you've visited? I recently traveled with my father to the northern Oregon Coast, where memories and inspiration took root. Join me on my newest adventure and learn a bit of history and a bit about how this trip inspired my creativity.
The Hills Are Alive ... With Spring and Books!

Jun 04, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Late spring brings a freshness, a lushness, an uplift to the world around us. Grass grows, birds sing, baby animals are born ... and new books are released. Discover a renewed enjoyment for nature and a few new sweet romance books to relish this season, recently released by two of my delightful writer friends!
Beauty and Blessings in Small Things
May 15, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Where are the blessings in life? Where do we find beauty in life? How can we be grateful when so much around us is ugly and violent? When our lives are in turmoil? Yes, there are troubles, but there are also beauty and blessings, and truthfully, we don't have to look far to find those. Blessings and beauty are in little things, in things we often take for granted. Read on!
Celebrating Our Earth and National Parks

Apr 22, 2024 by Gayle M Irwin
Earth Day and National Park Week intertwine ... in more ways than one. As we commemorate and celebrate these special days, let's remember nature speaks to the human spirit. That's why landscapes are preserved and animal species conserved. From the visionaries of decades ago to this present time, we are all responsible for what happens to lands, waterways, wildlife and plants.