Weekend Writing Conference Brings Together Authors & Books

in Casper, WY on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024. Photo by my friend Alisa Cochrane.
Last Friday and Saturday, I attended (and spoke at) a writing conference entitled Cabin Fever Writers Conference: From Pen to Published. The event took place in Casper, Wyoming, where I live. Speakers came from around the state, and the keynote speaker drove from Colorado (thankfully, no snowstorms -- just horrible wind!).
Authors and speakers networked with one another and participated in a booksigning during the conference. We also met readers, other than one another, during the free, Friday evening event that was open to the public. Two workshops were given that evening as well, providing opportunity not only for the authors to learn and be inspired, but also for book readers to understand more thoroughly some of the various genres and what it takes to write a book.
Saturday was a day of learning. Six different workshops took place, including sessions on genre and plotting, poetry, children’s books, character development, and marketing, the workshop I gave. An indie author panel fielded questions about their writing journey. The various authors educated and inspired me, and I came away even more committed to my author journey. Learning from one another and being encouraged by each other are added bonuses to being an author, in my opinion.

February 24, 2024. Photo by my friend, Alisa Cochrane.
Whenever you have opportunity, I encourage readers and writers to attend booksigning and author events in your area. Getting to know local and regional authors helps readers (and other authors) more readily understand the dedication, passion, and workings of writers, and helps us get to know them and their works better. Fortunately, I live in a community with an independent bookstore (more rare these days) that supports local and regional authors, and within a 200-mile drive, there are several such bookstores. Libraries can also be an asset to writers in their communities, and of course, these special places are excellent for readers!
I'm thankful to have gotten to know more Wyoming and Colorado authors at the writer's conference. Another such conference comes to Casper in May, and I look forward to meeting and becoming more familiar with additional authors during that event.
Yay for bookstores and writing conferences, and Yay for opportunities to meet and engage with authors! I hope you’re able to attend writing events and meet authors this year.
often travel together for booksignings around the state. Here we are in Rock Springs, WY, at Our Brothers
Keeper Bookstore, a store we've visited several times in the past few years. Photo by Our Brothers Keeper.