Chickadee at the bird water dish on my back deck. Photo by G. Irwin
This week, the Northern Hemisphere welcomed the delightful season of spring. In the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, where I live, springtime fluctuates – sometimes we enjoy warmer temperatures and plant growth in March, sometimes in April, and many times it’s May or even June before we enjoy those bursts of warmth and green plants.
This year, however, spring arrived in March in my area of Wyoming. W’ve enjoyed 60+-degree days and plentiful sunshine with deep blue skies. The grass is greening, leaves are sprouting on bushes, and plants are poking their heads above ground. I’ve heard the calls of sandhill cranes as they migrate north toward Canada and Alaska, and the house finches are returning to our bird feeders and water dishes, the red heads of the males brightening with spring’s arrival.
Sandhill cranes in a central Wyoming field. Photo by G. Irwin
I love spring! New growth on the bushes and plants as green leaves sprout, songbirds chortling from the trees in my yard, and the squirrels setting up nests in those trees … plus the crocus, daffodils and tulips that rise from the once-dormant ground – all of this and more adds delight to my days as spring takes root.
Spring = Growth, in nature and in me. I’m planning new books for this year, including a few tropes in my romance line that I’ve not written before, such as billionaires and single dads. I’m plotting ideas also for next year, including a new series and maybe even a new genre (cozy mystery). Just as I’m excited for spring in nature, so, too, am I excited to write new books with new tropes and in new genres.
Next month I’ll be releasing an updated box set for my sweet pet rescue romance – Yellowstone Country series. I’m adding the last two books, the ones I recently published, to the collection I crafted last year. Therefore, all seven books (Rescue Road, Finding Love at Compassion Ranch, Paws-ing for Love – A Christmas Story, My Montana Love, Paws-itively Love, In the Shadow of Mount Moran, and the prequel, Rhiann’s Rescue) will be available as an e-book boxed set. I plan to release the entire collection in April, which is known as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, an appropriate time to release a collection of romance stories that weaves pet rescue and adoption into the love story.
I also plan to publish a Christmas book, which is set in Wyoming and was part of a 2023 holiday anthology. I plan a July 2024 release and a “Christmas in July” promotion. Other books are also in the works, the billionaire romance for release in the summer, and another Christmas book, this one set in Montana, in November.
As mentioned, I love spring! Spring means growth, and that growth applies to my work as an author. New books, new ideas, new plans to grow alongside the leaves, grass, flowers, and birds I’m blessed to enjoy as I craft stories in Wyoming.
Wyoming wildflowers. Photo by G.Irwin
I hope the season brings a smile to your face and a “spring” to your step!
What do you most enjoy about a new season, whether it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter?
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