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Walking in Trust: Lessons Learned With My Blind Dog

SKU: 978-0981892962

$14.99 $14.99
"What good is a blind dog?" My husband and I were asked that question several times when we told friends our springer spaniel would eventually become blind due to a genetic disease. What good is a blind dog? You might think you don't need that kind of issue on top of all your other problems. Some people might give the dog away. Or, like us, you might keep your pet and bond even closer as you work to see together. My husband and I discovered great value in our dear dog, not monetarily, but in the life and faith lessons she taught. In the process of figuring out how to adjust to her blindness, the God who created people and blind dogs may taught us valuable lessons about really seeing and trusting ... lessons that will not make all problems go away but will increases faith, hope and joy in the midst of them. Come journey with us and discover these wonderful character and spiritual lessons!
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