Changes in Seasons, Changes in Life

Mar 21, 2023 by Gayle M Irwin

We recently welcomed spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The snow melted from my yard (although another winter system is on its way), and I’ve seen sprigs of green grass protruding amid the brown dirt. Soon, I hope to witness the purples and yellows of crocus, the golden hues of daffodils, and the reds, purples, and pinks of tulips. But, I’ll likely have to wait until another round of snow throws layers of white upon the ground again.


Amid the changing of and fluctuations in nature's seasons also comes changes to life. I officially become a senior citizen in a few days; at 62 I can take social security (and I plan to – I’ve worked nearly 45 years of my life, and since I put funds into the system, I plan to take money back!). With the onslaught of age come changes to physical and mental health: I don’t remember things as easily as I once did; I sleep longer into the mornings than I did; and aches and pains in the faltering body are more apparent than they once were. Although there are aspects of growing older that I embrace, such as writing more stories and not punching an employer’s time clock, other avenues of this season in life I’d prefer to not travel.

I may no longer punch an employer's clock, but I can't walk away from the ticking clock of life. Nor can I turn the hands back like I do each autumn with the clocks in my house.

However, I can make the most of my life's time pursuing passions like writing, traveling, helping pet rescue groups, and enjoying friends and family.


My parents, too, are aging, and in this season of their lives, they are moving closer to where I live. I plan to help take care of them. My father, who is 86 and the only driver for mom and himself, struggles more with various tasks, including driving, due to his physical and emotional health. They currently live 40 miles one-way from a major grocery store and medical services. And they live nearly 500 miles from me, their only child. Time for a change.


I’ll be helping them move to a community that’s only 30 miles from me, and since I’m retired, I’ll be able to help them go to the grocery store and medical care. I’ll also take them on trips to national parks and other areas we all enjoy. That’s another part of retirement and writing I’m looking forward to – travel. And spending more time with family. Sometimes both simultaneously.


So, although there are changes taking place and more to come as #62 rolls into view, many will be memorable, especially time spent with my elderly parents. This move will not be easy for them – they have lived in their tiny Montana community (a town with only about 300 people) for nearly 30 years. They’ve made many friends and created wonderful memories, and change is difficult for older people (I include myself in that arena now, too – I don’t find change very easy anymore, certainly not like when I was in my 20s and 30s). But, hopefully, quality family time we’ll share will off-set their sadness of being away from their beloved town.


Spring brings beauty, from the colorful flowers to the variety of birds. This is one of my favorite seasons, when buds appear on bushes, leaves pop out from tree branches, grass and flowers arise from the earth, and songbirds sing from fences. Spring means renewal and regeneration for much of nature, and this spring, and this birthday, means a new chapter of my life. I welcome both.



What do you enjoy most about spring? Does change come easily for you? What do you look forward to most in this new season of nature or in a new season for you personally?


In honor of spring and my 62nd birthday, I have a special gift for you! All the e-books in my Pet Rescue Romance are on sale until the end of this month. You’ll find the stories discounted on the various e-book platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, and Apple books. If you don’t have the complete series, pick up the book you’re missing before March 31st and get it at a discounted price! Or, if you have family or friends who enjoy sweet romance that weaves pet rescue and adoption into the storyline, order copies for them as a spring/Easter gift!


Link to my Amazon Author Page for Kindle books:


Links to all other e-book platforms for:

Rescue Road:

Paws-ing for Love: A Christmas Story:

My Montana Love:

Finding Love at Compassion Ranch: